Emery Augustus Hunton
(1901-1956) |
Emery Augustus Hunton 10405
Events • He appeared on the census in 1930 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. He was renting a room in the home of Abbie Farnsworth with his wife. • He appeared on the census in 1940 at 1337 Broadway in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. He was head of household and rented. Emery was employed as a shovel operator at a construction site. Emery married Marjorie Hope Stanchfield, daughter of Guy Carlton Stanchfield and Jennie Ruth Quinn, 12 August 1922 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine.10405 (Marjorie Hope Stanchfield was born 29 April 1902 in Enfield, Penobscot County, Maine 10406 and died 24 March 1983 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine 10407.) |
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