Lydia Jane Boothby 4987
- Born: 20 August 1851, Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine 4987
- Marriage: Charles Read Besse Sr. 25 December 1872 in Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine 253
- Died: 29 July 1880, Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine at age 28 252
- Buried: After 29 July 1880, Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine at Fish Cemetery (formerly Lothrop/Fish Cemetery) 252
Another name for Lydia was Jennie.
• She appeared on the census in 1860 in Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine. She lived in the household of her parents.
• She appeared on the census in 1870 in Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine. She lived in the household of her parents.
• She appeared on the census in 1880 in Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine. She lived in the household of her husband. She is listed as "Jennie".
• She was buried at Fish Cemetery in Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine.
Lydia married Charles Read Besse Sr., son of Charles K. Besse and Lydia W. Read, 25 December 1872 in Leeds, Androscoggin County, Maine.253 (Charles Read Besse Sr. was born 24 August 1847 in Wayne, Kennebec County, Maine,4988,4989 died 24 July 1921 4989 and was buried after 24 July 1921 in Wayne, Kennebec County, Maine at Wing Cemetery 4989.)