Roderick McKay
- Born: About 1865, Canada
- Marriage: Bessie Gertrude Rodecape 29 August 1922 in Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho 9024
- Died: 3 December 1945, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington at age 80 9029
Cause of his death was due to injuries sustained when hit by a car.
Spokane Daily Chronicle Spokane, Washington Tuesday, December 4, 1945 p. 3
Man, Aged 81 Years, Traffic Fatality
Roderick McKay, 81 year old retired grocer, became Spokane's 16th traffic fatality of the year last night when he was instantly killed at Napa and Boone, thrown 50 feet when hit by a car as he crossed the street, Coroner C.J. Abrams reported.
McKay, investigating police said, was going from his home at N1313 Napa to a store across the street when hit by a car, driven by Wade M. Hampton, a carpenter, S234 Fiske. The pedestrian received fatal head injuries and both legs and his right arm were fractured, according to the coroner's report. The body was removed to Hazen Jaeger's.
Police said that the visibility was very poor at the intersection and witnesses reported to officers that the street light was out. Hampton told police he didn't see the pedestrian until it was too late to avoid hitting him.
• He worked as a grocery store merchant.
• He appeared on the census in 1930 in East Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. He was head of household and owned property valued at $3,400.
• He appeared on the census in 1940 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. He was head of household and owned property valued at $1,500. Two lodgers lived in the home.
Roderick married Bessie Gertrude Rodecape, daughter of Allen R. Rodecape and Sophronia Rambo, 29 August 1922 in Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho.9024 (Bessie Gertrude Rodecape was born about 29 November 1880 in Kansas, died 31 July 1946 in Spokane, Spokane County, Washington 9025 and was buried 3 August 1946 in St. John, Whitman County, Washington at Saint John Cemetery 9026.)